Sugra Naqvi, Every Girl Shines Mentor, is the 2022 TAG Impact Award winner.
Technology Association of Georgia (TAG) is pleased to announce that Sugra Naqvi is the 2022 TAG Impact Award winner – a distinguished award given at TAG’s annual Georgia Technology Summit, recently held April 26-27, 2022.
The TAG Impact Award recognizes a TAG member serving on a society board who embodies the ideals of servant leadership and advances the TAG mission to connect, promote, influence, and educate Georgia’s technology ecosystem, to advance the innovation economy. Members from TAG’s 21 societies nominate their peers for the Impact Award and applications are then voted on within the TAG community.
“The Impact Award is the highest honor you can receive as a TAG Member and something special to aspire to as you build your career and serve your community,” said Kyle Tothill, Co-Founder and Managing Director of eHire – an Impact Award sponsor at the Georgia Technology Summit. “Sugra has created a lasting impact on Georgia innovation because of her work with the TAG Supply Chain Society.”
Naqvi serves as the Regional Executive Director of FastTek Global and is the TAG society membership chair for Supply Chain, Logistics & Manufacturing. Naqvi has been a proud member of TAG for over two years.